We have finally been approved to recruit our own member! Now you can directly subscribe with us to become Bursa Young Investor Club's member.
Becoming a BYIC member, you will enjoy the member price for all of our coming events! Besides, you are entitled to join our event that only open for BYIC member. As we are in cooperation with Bursa Malaysia Berhad, you will also get the internship and job opportunities from Bursa Malaysia! We are also in the midst of discussion to add more benefits to our members. Now, all of this are just RM5 for one year of subscription.
Following are the steps to subscribe as BYIC member:
1. Fill in your details in this online form :http://goo.gl/ecDkQo
2. Pay the RM 5 subscription fees to our Public Bank account (You may done this via online transfer):
Account No. : 6341134527
Name: Heng Jing Wen / Lawrence
3. Print screen/ screenshot the receipt and send it to our FB page or you may email it to our official email address: byicutarperak@gmail.com
4. We will verify your details and sending you a confirmation message within 48 hours
Let's JOIN our BULL JOURNEY! Together WE are SMARTER!
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