July 29, 2014

The 4 Elements Test

Instruction For Completing The Personality Style Assessment:
  1. Read all four statements for each row carefully
  2. For each question, CIRCLE the statement that is MOST LIKE YOU, and CROSS the statement that is LEAST LIKE YOU. Think about the areas of working in an organisation or Committee.
  3. Remember to select ONLY 1 MOST and ONLY 1 LEAST for each question.

Adventurous, Risk Takers
Easy-Going, Agreeable
Trusting, Believing in others
Tolerant, Respectful
Optimistic Visionary
Centre of attention Sociable
Peacemaker, Bring Harmony
Soft Spoken, Reserved
Want to establish, Goals
Encourage Others
Be Part of a Team
Strive for Perfection
Stand up to Opposition
Tell me side of the story
Become Frustrated
Keeping my Feelings Inside
Fast Paced, Determined
Lively, Talkative
Try to maintain Balance
Try to follow rules
Often rushed, Feel Pressured
Social Things are important
Like to finish what I start
Manage time efficiently
Not afraid to fight
Tend to overpromise
Resist to Sudden Change
Withdraw under Pressure
A good delegator
A good encourager
A good Listener
A good analyser
Results are what Matter
Make it enjoyable
Lets do it together
Do it right, accuracy counts
Will spend on what I want
Will buy on impulse
Will wait, No Pressure
Will do without, self controlled
Actively change Things
Unique, bored by routine
Friendly, easy to be with
Want things exact
Demanding, Abrupt
Changes at the last minute
Non confrontational, giving in
Overloaded with details
Want Advancement
Openly display Feelings
Satisfied with things
Humble, Modest
Bold, Daring
Happy, Carefree
Pleasing, Kind
Cool, Reserved
Receive rewards For goals met
Spend quality time with others
Travel to new adventures
Plan for the future, Be Prepared
Rules need to be challenged
Rules make it boring
Rules make it fair
Rules make it safe
Achievements, Awards
Social, Group gathering
Education, Culture
Safety, Security
Take Charge, Direct Approach
Outgoing, Enthusiastic
Predictable, Consistent
Cautious, Careful
Not easily defeated
Excitable, Cheerful
Will do as told, Follows Leader
Want things orderly, Neat
I will lead them
I will persuade them
I will follow through
I will get the facts
Competitive, like A challenge
Optimistic, Positive
Think of others first
Logical Thinker Systematic
Courageous, Bold
Laugh out loud, Animated
Please others, Agreeable
Quiet, Reserved
Want more Authority
Want new opportunities
Avoid any conflict
Want clear Directions
Bottom line, Results Oriented
Creative, unique
Reliable, Dependable
Hold high Standards, Accurate

Now calculate how many points you get for each column.
  • For each circle you have within one column, you will be gained 1 point.
  • For each cross you have within one column, you will be deducted 1 point.
  • Total up the point for each column and identify which has the positive point. For the column that has positive point, it means you might have the element of the respective column.

Element of Column 1: Fire (Risk It All!)
Element of Column 2: Wind/Air (Intellectual, Knowledgeable, But Sometimes Lacking Focus)
Element of Column 3: Water (Not Money-Oriented, But Holds Great Potential)
Element of Column 4: Earth (Careful, Methodical, But Sometimes Inflexible)

To understand and know more about the characteristics of your element, please refer to this article: The 5 Elements of Successful Investors

FireAirBlue Ocean WaveEarth

1 comment:

  1. this is copyright infringement as this is our assessment. These people are thieves and criminals. A disgrace
